Hi, I am Gina Barry. Guess what? I am imperfect. And that is what makes me, me. "I'm not perfect, no I'm not." Recently, I learned about this beautiful concept called Wabi Sabi. It is a Japanese idea that we should embrace the imperfections in our lives. Not just accept them, but celebrate them. Things are better with the imperfections. This has profoundly impacted me in the past couple of years. Look at all my beautiful imperfections. Right here on the world wide web. They are everywhere. (shhhh.... I don't want anyone to see them... oh wait... yes I want you to see them and celebrate them with me.) They are in my past, my present, and yes... my future too. "I'm not perfect, but I've got what I've got." Imperfections are in my life and in my paintings and I am going to share them, again. A new friend sent me a "challenge" September - a month of painting everyday. Post your work to the group blog. (With accountability and a deadline, built right in) At first I balked at the idea of this challenge. My head full of the usual excuses. But somehow I just couldn't let this one go. So, I begin, September 1, 2016. my month long journey into imperfection. I have scheduled it out. I will paint with what I have (paint, wax or otherwise). I will paint on what I have (wood, canvas or paper). I have cleared my calendar. I created this new website so I wouldn't have and excuse not to share. I even signed up... i will make ugly things I will paint because I am outwardly accountable to this goal I will paint with passion and determination I will paint with apathy and indifference I will paint in a hurry just to get done I will paint with joy and love but I will paint... "I do my very best each day." unless I don't In which case, I will pick myself up - start again as I have also proven can be done - in this recent time. "But I'm not perfect" I am creating the conditions in which I will be ready to carefully dip my toe back into this crazy art pool. (that's how I say JUMP IN! i am still me...) I will never really be ready, I will always be busy. But if not now, when? "And I hope you like me that way" (lyrics from my favorite Lori Berkner song)
Gina BarryThe words to go with the art. Because Art doesn't speak for itself. Archives
February 2023